Buy RG VK Profile Checker VK validity checker by ID. Without authorization, license for 1 month!

Feature: Multi-threading. Does not use a browser. Does not use accounts (for authorization and working with the API). Does not use a proxy. Supports several data formats (link, ID, login:password:ID). Supports saving profile information (Number of friends, Number of subscribers, Number of subscriptions, Online, Gender, Date birth). Check for validity/freeze/ban/invalid link.Format issued: Login:Password:link to download software from the cloud< p>Before installation, disable the antivirus, even the standard one, unpack the rar archive, run the software as administrator with the right mouse button once and enter your login and password, if copying should not contain spaces when entering log and pass.
RG VK Profile Checker VK validity checker by ID. Without authorization, license for 1 month!
In stock 99 pcs
Sales 0 pcs
Price $ 1.50 / pcs